var contextpath="/portal"; var entrypath="/portal/"; var msg_norecordselected ='No records selected.'; var msg_onlyonrecordcanbeselected = 'Can only create a packing list for one invoice only!'; var msgconfirmgeneration = 'Proceed to Generate Packing List Information ?\nWill override existing list information!'; var msgstartcartonnumeric = 'Start Carton No Column(s) must all end in a numeric number!'; var msggenerationinprogress = 'Please wait a moment generation packing information list...'; var msg_confirmDel ='Confirm to Delete?'; var _SEARCH_PARTY_TITLE = 'Search Party'; var _PARTY_ID_LABEL = 'Party Id'; var _PARTY_NAME_LABEL = 'Full Name'; var _PARTY_LNAME_LABEL = 'Local Name'; var _PARTY_ALIAS_LABEL = 'Party Alias'; var _PARTY_LSNAME_LABEL = 'Local ShortName'; var _PARTY_CITY_LABEL = 'City'; var _SEARCH_BUTTON_LABEL = 'Search'; var _OK_BUTTON_LABEL = 'OK'; var _CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL = 'Cancel'; var _DATA_INVALID_MSG = "Invalid Value!"; var _DATA_EMPTY_MSG = "Empty Value!"; var MSG_NoSearchCondition = 'Please enter the search condition!'; var MSG_POItemIsEmpty = 'PO Item can not be empty!'; var MSG_CargoItemIsEmpty = 'Cargo Item can not be empty!'; var MSG_StatusError = 'Record status is error!'; var MSG_ConfirmClose = 'Confirm to Close?'; var MSG_CI_LineItemsIsEmpty = 'There should be at least one line item in the Invoice Item List, and Quantity field entry should not be blank!'; var MSG_WARNING_INVALID_DATE = 'Date is not a valid format!'; var MSG_PCKLIST_LineItemsIsEmpty = 'There should be at least one line item in the Packing List!'; var msgcartoncount = 'Carton No Column(s) must have a numeric number greater than zero!';